It may not be straightforward at first, but once you dig into the theory of music and start making music, it is easier to identify harmonic sounds from other elements and work out accordingly. That is how it enriches a piece of music in its entirety. In melody, notes are played in a particular order, one after the other, whereas, in harmony, two or more notes are played simultaneously. We find out that harmony came into existence as a result of experimentation with melody. Some also call it music’s vertical dimension as it is played in correspondence with melody and with the help of chords simultaneously. It is represented by Roman numerals that help in understanding the underlying structure of a musical piece better. Harmony is central to all musical compositions from R&B, hip hop, pop, folk, and so on. Therefore, when two or more notes are played simultaneously, it creates what we know as harmony. Not only within an individual chord, but harmony also occurs throughout the chord progression in any piece of music. We can plainly define harmony as an arrangement of pitches in a chord when it comes to harmony. In music, all elements are arranged systematically, which is vital to creating a sound piece that is complete in coordination with other elements.

Harmony is that one element that usually confuses music enthusiasts and creators alike. Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Harmony, What is it? () This video answers “What is a Harmony”